This page is an incomplete list of projects I’ve been working on over the last years. These include open source software as well as personal pet projects.
Open Source
Over the last years, I’ve made incidental contributions to:
- akka-serial, a serial communication library for Scala.
- Stryker Mutator, the JavaScript, C# and Scala mutation testing tool. I contributed the initial version of the Jest Runner.
- Definitely Typed, the repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
- Homebrew, the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
- Krazo, the reference implementation for JSR 371 (Model-View-Controller Specification).
- Quarkus, a Java stack crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards.
- Spark, a micro framework for creating web applications in Kotlin and Java 8 with minimal effort.
- Dapr, a platform that simplifies cloud-native application development of distributed applications.
- JReleaser, the quick and effortless way to release your project.
- MockRunner, a collection of mock classes for enterprise application testing. This project provides test implementations for popular parts of Java EE / Jakarta EE.
Next to that, I am a regular contributor to the following projects:
- Apache Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool.
I’ve also open-sourced some of my own work:
- mcs (or “Maven Central Search”), a small CLI to query Maven Central from your command line. No more switching to the web browser!
- PUML Maven Plugin, a Maven plugin that renders PlantUML diagrams as part of a Maven build.
- Clocky, time-related test utilities for Java.
- Spark Flash, flash support for Spark.
- Stryker Mutator Dashboard reporter for PIT, a PIT reporter that publishes to the Stryker Mutator Dashboard.
Personal pet projects
- Hyperion and the Hyperion Web interface, to monitor my energy usage by reading the smart energy meter. These projects are now discontinued.