Posts tagged "Web-Development"

Why Write Boring Apps?

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Why Write Boring Apps?

If you’ve built any kind of web-based application in the last decade, chances are you were building a single-page application (SPA). This means you’ve been writing JavaScript or Typescript, had to work with the Node Package Manager or Yarn, needed to understand a framework like Angular, React or Vue and had to learn a new testing framework (or two). And that would have been only the basics. You would probably use other libraries, frameworks and toolkits: for styling the user interface, for doing API calls using REST and/or GraphQL, and for writing reusable components. But we usually take the pain, because the alternative is just… “boring”.

But it is time to reflect on this approach. It drags in a lot of complexity, but what does it give us? More complexity! At the end of the day, everyone will probably agree that simplicity is important. And what we want to achieve is a simple thing: displaying some information to a user. So why all that complexity?

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Using HSQL in OpenLiberty

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Using HSQL in OpenLiberty

A quick note, this time. Recently, I wanted to do some hacking around on Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. I chose to work with the OpenLiberty runtime, as I previously had good experiences with it. My pet project also needs a database, so for starters, I chose HyperSQL Database (HSQL DB). Here’s how I set it up.

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DevNexus Day 1: WebAssembly, Productivity

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DevNexus Day 1: WebAssembly, Productivity

Together with four “AwesomeSauce” colleagues from Info Support, I’m attending DevNexus this year. For me, it’s the second time I’m here, as I spoke here in 2018, too. Next to delivering my own “React in 50 minutes” session I’m attending some sessions to update with new technology advancements.

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A first look at MVC 1.0

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Recently, Twitter brought the renaming of Ozark to Krazo to my attention. It pulled my attention: I had never heard of either projects, and I wondered what they would be about. Ozark (or Krazo) will be the Reference Implementation of the new Model-View-Controller Specification. This MVC specification, also known as JSR 371, was planned for inclusion in Java EE 8, but eventually dropped. Apparently, this didn’t kill the effort. I was curious to see where the specification (and it’s implementation) would be now.

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Timing in Protractor tests

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Ever noticed that annoying error while running your Protractor tests:

Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}.

Especially the two brackets are annoying, because they suggest more information might be available but it is just hidden for you.

The good news is, the fix is rather easy. It turns out that Protractor expects your application to have an data-ng-app attribute on the HTML body element.

My application does not have that, since the Angular application is just a part of my page. So in my Protractor config, I have to add an option to tell Protractor where to find the Angular application:

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Mobile emulation in Google Chrome

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Building a web site or web application that should also be useable on other devices than ‘regular’ desktops or laptops? You don’t always have your mobile device at hand, or might not even own one. Yet, you want to see how your new gem looks on such devices. Worry no more!

Google Chrome to the rescue. We all know the ‘Developer Tools’, accessible using F12. If you press ESC while inside the ‘Developer Tools’, the ‘DevTools console drawer’ appears. Next to a ‘Console’ and ‘Search’ tab, it has an ‘Emulation’ tab.

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