Posts tagged "Vert.x"

JBCNConf & Voxxed Days LU

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Wow, that was a busy and inspiring week! In one week, I’ve visited two conferences in two different countries to give talks on two different subjects. But the most inspiring part came from attending other sessions. I’ll highlight one session from both conferences.

JBCNConf 2017

On JBCNConf, I’ve attented a session by Burr Sutter about Vert.x. This was a session full of energy, as Burr is really capable of making your enthusiastic of whatever he is talking on. As he walked us through the various options you have to build and deploy Vert.x-based applications, he also showed a lot of demos. One of the demos involved “simple” temperature sensors over MQTT on miniature computers (aside: the size of these computers was largely dominated by their batteries… impressive!) to his MacBook showing you can run Vert.x in multiple languages that still communicate with each other. It also illustrated how to handle events coming in at this pace, introducing the concepts of streaming events.

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