Posts tagged "Tools"
Measure Your Maven Build

Slow builds are annoying!
There, I’ve said it. And you know it’s true, don’t you? They take valuable time, they are a source of frustration, they extend the feedback cycle, and often they provide the perfect excuse for slacking off.
But it doesn’t have to be this way! Rather than getting another cup of coffee or playing that medieval game of gladiator, what if we would investigate why the build is so slow? If we know the bottlenecks, we can address them. That would shorten the feedback loop, increasing our productivity and our job happiness in one go.
— Read more... →Devoxx 2023: First Impressions

This week, I’ve been attending Devoxx Belgium. It wasn’t my first time around, so I more or less knew what to expect in terms of atmosphere, content and people. In this post, I will share my first impressions. It includes some interesting talks that I joined. Of course, there were more - but those require a larger post, so those may end up in a seperate post later.
— Read more... →Securing Apache HTTPD with Microsoft Active Directory
Recently, I was building a website with documentation for one of the projects I’m involved with. I wanted to protect access to that website to a specific set of people inside my company. Here’s how I did it.
— Read more... →Troubleshooting SOAP and MTOM using the command line
When you want to transmit binary files over SOAP-based webservices, you have two choices: Base64 or Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM). The latter is much more efficient, but also harder to troubleshoot if it doesn’t work at once.
Both options have their own typical scenario
- Serialise the file content using Base64 and include the result right into the XML structure. This is relatevely easy to implement and troubleshoot. It usually works well for small binary files, but as files grow larger, you may run into performance issues. The Base64-encoded binary file may be so big that the XML parser will blow up.
- Use MTOM to transfer the request and attachments. In this approach, the SOAP request (XML) and any attachments are sent as a multipart request. This is a bit harder to implement, and if it doesn’t work at once, it is even harder to troubleshoot. But on the other hand, it allows for much more efficient transportation of the attached files.
As a primer, let’s have a quick look at how “regular” SOAP requests look when transmitted over HTTP. Imagine we have a file upload webservice which accepts files in any format, along with a file name. If we were to upload a file, the request might look like this.
— Read more... →Simple UML drawing with PlantUML
Every now and then, there’s this moment where you feel a certain urge to draw a diagram. Oftentimes, I feel a similar urge to make a digital version of it. But I don’t always have professional tooling around - and no, PowerPoint or its friends are not what I’m looking for.
Recently, I found a tool that fits my idea of “good tooling” rather well. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to PlantUML! Why do I love this tool?
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