Posts tagged "Tomcat"

I upgraded to Java 9 - Part II

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A few weeks ago, I wrote about migrating an existing Spring-application to Java 9. When I finished, two things remained to be investigated: Code coverage for unit tests. A bunch of warnings when running the application in Tomcat. Code coverage for unit tests As Alan Bateman pointed out, upgrading JaCoCo to its latest version should resolve the issue about the $jacocoData field. In fact, I thought I had done that, but somehow I kept on getting the same error every single time. — Read more... →

I upgraded to Java 9 - here's what happened

Last updated
I recently participated in a Twitter conversation about upgrading to Java 9. Like most of the people, my current projects are all on Java 8. Of course the question came up, why don’t you upgrade? Good question! Since I hadn’t even tried, I decided to see how far I could come… The component I took for my experiment is a pretty simple Spring application. It doesn’t use Spring Boot. It exposes a few REST endpoints, and calls couple of webservices over SOAP. — Read more... →