Posts tagged "Testing"

Mutation Testing badge with PIT and Stryker Dashboard

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Mutation Testing badge with PIT and Stryker Dashboard

Earlier, I wrote about integrating PIT with the Stryker Mutator Dashboard. The setup for that was pretty complicated, with some shell scripting that extracted the JSON payload for the report from a JavaScript file. Today, I’m introducing a much simpler approach to that: the Stryker Mutator Dashboard reporter for PIT.

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Mutation Testing badge with Pitest and Stryker Dashboard

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Mutation Testing badge with Pitest and Stryker Dashboard

Over the years, badges have become a way for open source maintainers to show the state of their product. Badges can give a quick overview of the code quality, test coverage or build health of an open-source product. The problem with code coverage is, however, that a high coverage doesn’t mean the tests are any good. If only there was a way to show the quality of the test suite…

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Reports from Devoxx PL

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From yesterday until tomorrow I’m attending Devoxx Poland (or Devoxx PL for short). It’s the second largest conference in the Devoxx family with around 2700 people attending. The conference is held in the ICE Kraków Congress Centre, a large venue with an amazing primary room. Entrance of the ICE The main reason I’m here is to give a talk about GraalVM on Wednesday morning. Apart from that, it’s a nice opportunity to network, meet old friends and make new ones. — Read more... →

Verify logging with Logback

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Sometimes you have a piece of logging that is very important, maybe even part of a business requirement. In that case, you might want to verify that in a unit test, so you can rest assured that this requirement is actually met. How to do that? Mock it away A first approach might be to just mock your logging framework in a unit test and verify it was called as you expected. — Read more... →