Posts tagged "Open-Liberty"

Authenticate Jakarta EE apps with Google using OpenID Connect

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Authenticate Jakarta EE apps with Google using OpenID Connect

In one of my pet projects, I’m writing a Jakarta EE web application where I want users to authenticate using Google. Easy, you would say, as Jakarta EE 10 includes Jakarta Security 3.0, which has support for OpenID Connect authentication. Took me a bit more time to figure out how to get it working, and to save you from having to do that, here’s what I found.

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Using HSQL in OpenLiberty

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Using HSQL in OpenLiberty

A quick note, this time. Recently, I wanted to do some hacking around on Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. I chose to work with the OpenLiberty runtime, as I previously had good experiences with it. My pet project also needs a database, so for starters, I chose HyperSQL Database (HSQL DB). Here’s how I set it up.

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