Posts tagged "Java"

Easily upgrade Java dependencies

Last updated
To start with a cliche: the Java ecosystem continues to develop at a high pace. Various open source frameworks releasing versions, sometimes even multiple versions at the same time. This may quickly turn into a risk But how to deal with it? Basically, you have two options. We’ll take a typical Maven-project as an example, which uses Commons Lang 3. See the end of this post if you prefer Gradle over Maven. — Read more... →

This method is likely to yield significantly better performance

Last updated
This week, I came across an interesting difference between the Java API documentation and its current implementation. A difference? Or is it just a matter of thorough reading? If you look at the Javadoc for Double.valueOf(), you’ll find that it is likely to outperform the use of new Double(). Sounds good! And don’t we all ove it when we get a free performance boost? However, examining the source code to see what causes this “significantly better space and time performance”, we find…. — Read more... →