Posts tagged "Dapr"
The Dapr SDK for Java: Pub/Sub & Distributed Tracing

It’s been a while since the first two posts about Dapr! In those first installments, we looked at the basics of Dapr, from a very conceptual point of view. We also looked at the bare minimum HTTP API that Dapr exposes to the applications that use it. But writing enterprise applications that way would be slow, and it would inevitably lead to mistakes. In this article, I will introduce you to a higher abstraction level of working with Dapr.
— Read more... →Jakarta EE meets Dapr

Earlier this month, I introduced you to Dapr, the Distributed Application Runtime. That was a mostly conceptual introduction, showing you how Dapr works and what it can do for you. But how do you integrate it into an existing application? That’s the topic for today.
— Read more... →Getting to know Dapr

Building distributed applications or microservice applications brings a whole new range of problems. All those application components, or microservices, need to communicate with each other. How will we do that: using messaging, or would direct HTTP calls be a better choice? Often, we must make such decisions early in a project. Since it’s hard to change it later, we call it an “architectural decision”. But this is often an excuse so we can blame the architect if the choice turned out to be wrong.
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