Posts tagged "Continuous Integration"

Reduce Maven Plugin logging

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Reduce Maven Plugin logging

Sometimes, a Maven plugin logs more then you want it to. I recently had this situation with a plugin that generated source code from specifications. This plugin alone wrote over 22000 lines of output just to inform the user that it did what it had to do. No errors or such, only confirming that it did its job. Such superfluous output makes it hard for developers to focus on actual problems in their build. It’s too easy to think “too long, didn’t read” (TL;DR) and hence miss the important bits. So, it’s time to tame the plugin logging!

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Building ASP.NET Core apps on CircleCI

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Recently, my co-worker Willem pulled my attention to the .NET Microservices. Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications e-book. Although I have a strong background in Java and the Java platform, I started reading it, and soon I felt like trying it out. But building software without having automated builds and tests is not the real thing, so that was the first thing I wanted to do. I usually use CircleCI for that, but unfortunately they don’t seem to have an official guide for that.

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