Using HSQL in OpenLiberty
A quick note, this time. Recently, I wanted to do some hacking around on Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. I chose to work with the OpenLiberty runtime, as I previously had good experiences with it. My pet project also needs a database, so for starters, I chose HyperSQL Database (HSQL DB). Here’s how I set it up.
As I soon found out, the OpenLiberty documentation doesn’t mention HSQL DB at all. They have a large list of supported, “commonly used vendor databases” - but HyperSQL simply isn’t one of them.
But luckily, if your database isn’t listed there, all is not lost. It’s more a matter of “reading between the lines”.
There’s a couple of things to do:
- Grab a copy of of the HyperSQL database JAR-file, and place it somewhere on your machine.
- Tell OpenLiberty you have a JDBC driver for HyperSQL by adding this snippet to your server.xml:
<library id="hsql-jdbc"> <fileset> <dir>/path/to/where/you/put/your/downloaded/file</dir> <include>*jar</include> </fileset> </library>
- Declare your datasource by adding this snippet to your server.xml:
<dataSource id="my-datasource" jndiName="jdbc/my-ds"> <jdbcDriver libraryRef="hsql-jdbc" javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource="org.hsqldb.jdbc.pool.JDBCPooledDataSource" /> <properties URL="jdbc:hsqldb:mem:mydatabase" user="sa" /> </dataSource>
And you’re good to go!
The missing link (with my first attempt) was the second attribute to the dataSource
I didn’t know you could (in this case should) specifiy it.
Omitting it means OpenLiberty doesn’t know what the database-specific implementation of ConnectionPoolDataSource
is, and hence fails to create the databasource.